Meet Neary

"I envision the day where taking a mental health day is as normal as taking a day off for the flu."

Over the years, I’ve navigated through various roles, from non-profit organizations to marketing and administrative work. Yet, as I discovered more about myself, a craving for deeper, more meaningful work took root within me, steering me away from the mundane towards pursuits that truly resonate with my core.

The significance of mental health gradually emerged as a beacon in my life, shedding light on my personal battles and their profound impact on my identity and who I wanted to become. This propelled me on a path towards understanding—not just of myself but also of how our stories intertwine to shape our collective human experience.

Outreach and engagement have become a part of my mission – it found me. I believe in the power of coming together to share our stories, support one another, and advocate for mental health. Through these efforts, I aim to dismantle stigmas, foster a sense of belonging, and cultivate an inclusive community where every voice is heard and valued. Collaborating with like-minded individuals—those with a fire in their hearts for making a difference—has redefined my sense of purpose. It’s in these collaborations that I’ve found my true calling, discovering the power of shared narratives to inspire, heal, and mobilize.

By intertwining outreach with genuine engagement, I hope to contribute to a world where mental health is prioritized, understood, and nurtured by all.

Today, as I continue to explore the intersections of creativity, mental wellness, and community, I strive to highlight the beauty in our vulnerabilities, bridging gaps and bringing people together in a celebration of shared humanity. I hope to uncover the stories that unite us, heal us, and propel us forward, together.

Q & A with Neary

It’s funny how life works—I never went out looking for my purpose; instead, it kind of stumbled upon me. My earlier years were all about chasing titles, status, and the prestige of job roles, thinking these were the milestones of success. But somewhere along the way, through my own struggles and personal work with mental health, everything shifted. I began to see beyond the surface, realizing that what truly mattered wasn’t the accolades or positions but connecting with others on a real, human level. This realization changed everything about how I understood my identity and the world around me. It dawned on me that our true connection isn’t about how we look, where we come from, or what’s in our wallets—it’s about our stories, our thoughts, and our shared humanity. Suddenly, I found myself using my knack for storytelling not just as a pastime but as a tool to reach out, bring people together, and shine a light on mental health. It turned out that moving away from what I thought I wanted led me right to where I needed to be—helping others see that underneath it all, we’re not so different after all.

When I realized that genuine connections, empathy, and inclusivity mattered more to me than any title or status, it changed my perspective on what support and advocacy meant. I shifted from a mindset focused on external achievements to one rooted in understanding and compassion. Now, it’s all about creating a space where I can help individuals and communities feel seen, heard, and valued for who they are, not what society expects them to be. My journey taught me that at the heart of meaningful change is the recognition of our shared humanity, despite our diverse backgrounds and experiences. By prioritizing these values in my work, I aim to not only offer support but also empower individuals, but also fostering a community where everyone feels they belong.

My journey’s taken me through a colorful mix of roles – from the grassroots of non-profit organizations to the dynamic world of marketing, and even into the nuts and bolts of administrative work. Working with non-profits, I sharpened my communication skills, got my hands dirty with project management, and dabbled in community outreach. Marketing lets me unleash my creativity and strategize ways to shout about the causes I’m passionate about. Getting into the thick of administrative tasks opened my eyes to how crucial a supportive and efficient workplace is. Each step of the way has taught me something invaluable, shaping the way I approach everything I do now.

Throughout my career, mental health and advocacy kept showing up, guiding my endeavors and shaping my approach to think about the impact I want to make. My personal challenges and professional exploration have equipped me with a greater appreciation for the complexities of human psychology and the critical need for empathy and inclusivity in all aspects of work and life.

Today, I draw upon my multifaceted background to connect with others, promote awareness, and facilitate conversations around mental wellness. My professional experiences have not only enriched my perspective but have also underscored the importance of aligning one’s work with core values and the mission to support and uplift others.

Where do I even start? The mental health landscape is changing in such exciting ways, it’s like watching a new horizon unfold. What gets me pumped is seeing how much more open and inclusive the conversation around mental health has become. We’re finally breaking down those old, tough walls of stigma and silence, and that’s huge! I know there’s still more work to do!

Then there’s technology – it’s seriously changing the game. From apps that help manage anxiety to online therapy sessions making support accessible to everyone, wherever they are, it’s incredible. It means no one has to feel alone in their journey, and that’s a big win in my book.

But, if I had to pick one thing? It’s the growing understanding that mental health is just as important as physical health. Seeing this mindset take root gives me hope that we’re moving towards a world where taking a mental health day is as normal as taking a day off for the flu. And that’s a world I’m excited to be a part of and contribute to. It feels like we’re on the cusp of something really special in how we support and uplift each other, and I’m here for it, ready to roll up my sleeves and dive in.

I hope to make you feel like you’ve got a co-pilot right there with you – where you feel safe to get into what matters most to you and leave the surface-level stuff at the door.

I’m big on collaboration. And a little humor is okay, too. Because let’s face it, sometimes you’ve got to laugh to open up about something difficult, right? I’ve found that a little laughter can make even the toughest conversations feel a bit lighter.

My hope is to cultivate a space that’s as honest as it is supportive. It’s about facing challenges, armed with empathy, and understanding.